We desire to be a church that:
• PROJECTS the truth of the Gospel.
I Timothy 3:15 ..pillar...
• PROMOTES spiritual maturity and service in believers.
Ephesians 4:1
• PROTECTS the truth of Scripture.
I Timothy 3:15 ...ground...
• PROVOKES and encourages each other to faithfulness.
Hebrews 3:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:11
• PREPARES men to lead families in the service of the Savior.
Ephesians 6:4
The Gruber Family moved to Alliance, NE in June of 2008 with the express calling from God to plant a New Testament Church. Alliance is a city with a population of 8,151 people. It is exactly in the middle of the Panhandle of Nebraska. It had been sometime since an Independent Baptist Church had existed in this city. Unbeknownst to the Grubers, the reputation of the former Independent Baptist Churches in this city was very poor. Therefore, the need was great, and God's calling was specific. Thus, the Grubers answered God's call.
God spoke to the heart of Pastor Dennis Gruber regarding church planting in a mission conference at his sending church, Community Baptist Church, in Quakertown, Pennsylvania in March of 2006. After surrendering to God, God began over the next two years to specifically give his direction to his sending Pastor and Pastor Gruber which lead straight to Alliance. He and his family spent a year and a half on deputation raising support to move out west to plant the Heartland Baptist Church.
The first service was held in the home of the Gruber's on Wednesday evening, July 16, 2008. The first Sunday service was held on Sunday, August 3, in a leased facility at 411 Black Hills Avenue. Heartland Baptist Church chartered on March 1 of 2009 as Dr. David A. Smith, the sending pastor of the Gruber family, preached the commissioning service. Twenty-two people were scripturally baptized into the membership of our body in the afternoon service on this special day. All Glory to God!
We have met in seven other locations over the last twelve years as God graciously provided for this little body of believers. Growth in this ministry has been slow and steady as we have knocked doors and blitzed this city for the past fourteen years. We praise the Lord that souls have been saved, scripturally baptized, and added to this Body of Christ over the past 14 years as we endeavor to continue doing the Lord's work and watching Him add according to His will. The church is currently meeting at 901 Box Butte Avenue in its permanent home provided so graciously and freely by God the end of this past Summer (2022). We now have the awesome task of renovating and updating this facility for God's Glory! We rejoice to continue serving the Lord as we seek to see this ministry solidified according to God's will.
We desire to be a church that:
• PROJECTS the truth of the Gospel.
I Timothy 3:15 ..pillar...
• PROMOTES spiritual maturity and service in believers.
Ephesians 4:1
• PROTECTS the truth of Scripture.
I Timothy 3:15 ...ground...
• PROVOKES and encourages each other to faithfulness.
Hebrews 3:13; 1 Thessalonians 5:11
• PREPARES men to lead families in the service of the Savior.
Ephesians 6:4
The Gruber Family moved to Alliance, NE in June of 2008 with the express calling from God to plant a New Testament Church. Alliance is a city with a population of 8,151 people. It is exactly in the middle of the Panhandle of Nebraska. It had been sometime since an Independent Baptist Church had existed in this city. Unbeknownst to the Grubers, the reputation of the former Independent Baptist Churches in this city was very poor. Therefore, the need was great, and God's calling was specific. Thus, the Grubers answered God's call.
God spoke to the heart of Pastor Dennis Gruber regarding church planting in a mission conference at his sending church, Community Baptist Church, in Quakertown, Pennsylvania in March of 2006. After surrendering to God, God began over the next two years to specifically give his direction to his sending Pastor and Pastor Gruber which lead straight to Alliance. He and his family spent a year and a half on deputation raising support to move out west to plant the Heartland Baptist Church.
The first service was held in the home of the Gruber's on Wednesday evening, July 16, 2008. The first Sunday service was held on Sunday, August 3, in a leased facility at 411 Black Hills Avenue. Heartland Baptist Church chartered on March 1 of 2009 as Dr. David A. Smith, the sending pastor of the Gruber family, preached the commissioning service. Twenty-two people were scripturally baptized into the membership of our body in the afternoon service on this special day. All Glory to God!
We have met in seven other locations over the last twelve years as God graciously provided for this little body of believers. Growth in this ministry has been slow and steady as we have knocked doors and blitzed this city for the past fourteen years. We praise the Lord that souls have been saved, scripturally baptized, and added to this Body of Christ over the past 14 years as we endeavor to continue doing the Lord's work and watching Him add according to His will. The church is currently meeting at 901 Box Butte Avenue in its permanent home provided so graciously and freely by God the end of this past Summer (2022). We now have the awesome task of renovating and updating this facility for God's Glory! We rejoice to continue serving the Lord as we seek to see this ministry solidified according to God's will.