And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Ephesians 5:11
Fellowship - share in company with, co-participate in,
communicate with.
Reprove - refute, bring to light, expose.
We must be ever so careful regarding our connection with darkness, works of darkness or ministers of darkness. We are commanded to DEFLECT Darkness. First, in our Actions. Not engaging in the activities of darkness. Secondly, in our Association...not cuddling up with those that are involved in the works of darkness. I think this includes distancing ourselves from those that are involved in the works of darkness. We are in danger of appearing to present our approval (even if we do not approve) if we have a closeness with the ministers of darkness. In other words, keep your distance or be soiled through association!
We also are commanded to DENOUNCE Darkness. It is not enough to deny association with darkness. We must then commence calling out into the open this darkness and its ministers EXPOSING them as well as EXPLODING them. We must demolish their actions and the belief system upon which their actions are established. This is only done through the Word of God which is the only truth. We cannot rely on debate and disputation founded in our whit or philosophy. Consequently, we would be fighting fire with gas. We must rely totally on God's truth to destroy the credibility of the works and workers of darkness for then are we fighting fire with water (the water of the Word) which extinguishes the fire.
Now, consider what this darkness is all about. Works of darkness are always based on a system of belief that is rooted in darkness. This system of belief is founded upon untruth, corruption of truth, watering down the truth, etc... Once the belief system is in place the actions then follow. Proverbs 23:7 tells us he thinketh in his heart, so is he...
NOTE: Many times people do not set out to live in untruth but they are drawn away through defection from truth. This defection takes place when ministers of darkness (sometimes disguised as ministers of God and light) bring lies wrapped in truth. It is like taking something that is bland in flavor and wrapping it in bacon. Makes it much more appealing and enjoyable to swallow. Genuine truth is truth through and through. it is determined by comparing it with the absolute standard for truth which is the Word of God. It is the revealer of all things.
Therefore, it begins with PRINCIPLE then PHILOSOPHY and commences into PRACTICE. I would be remiss if I did not point out that ministers of darkness are not just those individuals that are engrossed in deep sin and trying to draw others away into that sin. They are also those that are presenting error through truth coated lies and false doctrine. They come in the form of ear tickling teachers and preachers i.e. Joel Olsteen and many like him even in the Independent Baptist realm. This is where Satan begins his work of drawing believers away. He taints their...
1. Principle (what they accept as truth),
2. Philosophy (how they apply that truth)
3. Practice (how they live out this supposed truth)
This downward spiral then leads them into a life of sin and justifying that sin through their supposed belief system which is founded in lies. It is a slippery slope and if we do not practice verses 15-17 of this same chapter as well chapter 6 (armor of God) we are vulnerable to be a victim of darkness and rendered useless to God which will result in chastening (Hebrews 12:5-11). Being a victim does not manifest itself through total apostasy because a true believer would not and could not totally apostatize. However, apostasy could affect a true believer to a life of compromise which again, brings God's chastisement upon them. A person that walks completely away from the faith was never truly in the faith (born again child of God). A chastised believer who resists chastening and will not bend his will in obedience to God's will is in danger of premature death.
Fellowship - share in company with, co-participate in,
communicate with.
Reprove - refute, bring to light, expose.
We must be ever so careful regarding our connection with darkness, works of darkness or ministers of darkness. We are commanded to DEFLECT Darkness. First, in our Actions. Not engaging in the activities of darkness. Secondly, in our Association...not cuddling up with those that are involved in the works of darkness. I think this includes distancing ourselves from those that are involved in the works of darkness. We are in danger of appearing to present our approval (even if we do not approve) if we have a closeness with the ministers of darkness. In other words, keep your distance or be soiled through association!
We also are commanded to DENOUNCE Darkness. It is not enough to deny association with darkness. We must then commence calling out into the open this darkness and its ministers EXPOSING them as well as EXPLODING them. We must demolish their actions and the belief system upon which their actions are established. This is only done through the Word of God which is the only truth. We cannot rely on debate and disputation founded in our whit or philosophy. Consequently, we would be fighting fire with gas. We must rely totally on God's truth to destroy the credibility of the works and workers of darkness for then are we fighting fire with water (the water of the Word) which extinguishes the fire.
Now, consider what this darkness is all about. Works of darkness are always based on a system of belief that is rooted in darkness. This system of belief is founded upon untruth, corruption of truth, watering down the truth, etc... Once the belief system is in place the actions then follow. Proverbs 23:7 tells us he thinketh in his heart, so is he...
NOTE: Many times people do not set out to live in untruth but they are drawn away through defection from truth. This defection takes place when ministers of darkness (sometimes disguised as ministers of God and light) bring lies wrapped in truth. It is like taking something that is bland in flavor and wrapping it in bacon. Makes it much more appealing and enjoyable to swallow. Genuine truth is truth through and through. it is determined by comparing it with the absolute standard for truth which is the Word of God. It is the revealer of all things.
Therefore, it begins with PRINCIPLE then PHILOSOPHY and commences into PRACTICE. I would be remiss if I did not point out that ministers of darkness are not just those individuals that are engrossed in deep sin and trying to draw others away into that sin. They are also those that are presenting error through truth coated lies and false doctrine. They come in the form of ear tickling teachers and preachers i.e. Joel Olsteen and many like him even in the Independent Baptist realm. This is where Satan begins his work of drawing believers away. He taints their...
1. Principle (what they accept as truth),
2. Philosophy (how they apply that truth)
3. Practice (how they live out this supposed truth)
This downward spiral then leads them into a life of sin and justifying that sin through their supposed belief system which is founded in lies. It is a slippery slope and if we do not practice verses 15-17 of this same chapter as well chapter 6 (armor of God) we are vulnerable to be a victim of darkness and rendered useless to God which will result in chastening (Hebrews 12:5-11). Being a victim does not manifest itself through total apostasy because a true believer would not and could not totally apostatize. However, apostasy could affect a true believer to a life of compromise which again, brings God's chastisement upon them. A person that walks completely away from the faith was never truly in the faith (born again child of God). A chastised believer who resists chastening and will not bend his will in obedience to God's will is in danger of premature death.